Russian Op 7: Venom in Venezuela

Forged letter alleged false flagĀ attack

Russian Op 7: Venom in Venezuela

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Forged letter alleged false flagĀ attack

(Soruce: @KaranKanishk/DFRLab)

This article is part of a series analyzing the various aspects of the suspected Russian intelligence operation. Our top post summarizes these findings.

Much of the Russian operationā€™s content focused on European issues. One significant outlier was a story it launched on February 26, 2019, three days after clashes broke out over aid deliveries to Venezuela.

A False-Flag FalseĀ Flag

The story began on a Spanish-language forum, The article (archived here) claimed that the United States was planning a chemical attack in Venezuela to justify a military intervention, citing as proof a letter purportedly written by the Mission Director of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) Colombia, Lawrence Sacks, to Venezuelaā€™s interim president, Juan GuaidĆ³.

The beginning of the Spanish-language post on (Source: globedia/archive)

The letter was an obvious forgery. Setting aside USAIDā€™s long history of humanitarian work, the essential implausibility of it plotting a war crime using chemical weapons, and the unlikelihood of plotting such a war crime in open language through an unencrypted channel, sentences such as ā€œCurrent situation is jeopardizing our joint action directed against the regime of usurper Maduroā€ sound like they were written by a Bond villain rather than by a native English speaker.

The fake letter did not specify what sort of attack was intended; the author of the Spanish post wrote ā€œit can be supposedā€ that it would chemical or biological.

Register, Post,Ā Repeat

The account behind the article, ā€œGilbmedina84,ā€ was equally questionable: it was registered the same day the article was published; its profile page showed no personal information; it had no followers; and it only posted this one article.

Profile page for ā€œGilbmedina84,ā€ showing the creation date (left box), number of publications (center box), and number of followers (right box). (Source:

The same day, an account with the same username posted the article to Spanish forum meneame and Spanish-language subreddits r/latinoamerica, r/notArgentina, r/mexico, r/Colombia, r/vzla, r/cuba, and r/chile. In each case, the account registered that day and never posted again.

Three days later, on March 1, newly registered, single-use accounts posted a German translation of the story to two sites:, an Austrian forum for local news, and, a Berlin-based forum. Both versions attributed the article to The profile page on confirmed that the account behind it never returned to the site after making its one post.

Profile page for ā€œTomTay,ā€ also known as ā€œTom Taylor from Braunau,ā€ from The upper box shows that the account was created on March 1, 2019, and only made one post. The lower box shows that ā€œTomTayā€ was last seen on March 1, 2019. (Source:

English, But Not as You KnowĀ It

Also on March 1, a user called ā€œJoel Forsterā€ posted a translation of the story into non-native English on San Francisco forum This was the only article from this user, and it was full of curious turns of phrase:

ā€œMr. Trump started to burst threatsā€¦ā€

ā€œIn the view of the mentioned ā€˜necessary componentsā€™ā€¦ā€

ā€œImmediately after that GuaidĆ³ will expose the bloody tyrant during the new phase of informational warā€¦ā€

ā€œNow the U.S. uses the old good scheme proven by timeā€¦ā€

ā€œInformational warā€ā€Šā€”ā€Šas opposed to, say, ā€œinformation warā€ or ā€œinformation warfareā€ā€Šā€”ā€Šis a non-native phrase regularly used by Russian speakers, including Ministry of Defense translators. There is a Russian idiom that refers to the ā€œold good timesā€ and that is similar to English speakers referring to the ā€œgood old days.ā€

The same day, an identical article ran on a forum in South Africa, It did not give an author name, or an English-language source, and the name ā€œJoel Forsterā€ was not mentioned anywhere on the page. Nevertheless, a user called ā€œAnna Mrocznaā€ cross-posted the article to, a known vector for disinformation. The account attributed the story to South Africa Today but said that it was ā€œtranslated from the Spanish by Joel Forster.ā€ The ā€œAnna Mrocznaā€ persona was part of the operation, analyzed here.

Left, screenshot from showing the lack of search results for the name ā€œJoel Forster.ā€ Right, screenshot from the submission to, showing the attribution to South Africa Today and to Joel Forster. (Source:, left;, right)

Finally, on March 5, one of the accounts that Facebook exposed as being run from Russia picked up the German version of the story from with the comment, ā€œVenezuela is the next candidate for U.S. democratization.ā€ This account posed as an Austrian nationalist and interspersed shares from pro-Kremlin outlets with a high number of articles posted by newly registered accounts to blog sites.

Post by the Russian Facebook account masquerading as an Austrian, sharing the post on (Source: Facebook)

None of these posts gained significant traction or scored significant numbers of shares, views, or likes. The version was viewed 1,537 times but did not gain a single like; the version only received one reaction, which called the post ā€œsuch stupidity.ā€ Five of the subreddits removed the Spanish story for various violations, and it gained just five votes on the other subreddits combined. The article was shared just once on Facebook. It is therefore highly unlikely that the story moved from one language to another as a result of viral interest.

Scan of the spread of the three language variants on social media, using the BuzzSumo online tool. The Spanish version performed best, but only had 84 engagements. (Source: @etobuziashvili/DFRLab via Buzzsumo)

Facebook confirmed that the ā€œAustrian nationalistā€ account was run from Russia. The DFRLabā€™s analysis further revealed that the forged USAID letter showed language errors characteristic of Russian speakers. The accounts that posted the fake storyā€Šā€”ā€Šin Spanish, English, and Germanā€Šā€”ā€Šwere newly created accounts that only posted once, while the English and German translations appeared on multiple platforms on the same day.

On that basis, it is most probable that the entire story, as well as its transmission from one language to the next, was the work of this Russian operation. Moreover, it appears likely that the purpose of the fake was to smear the reputation of the United States as the Venezuelan crisis reached its climax.

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