The DFRLab serves as a trusted center of expertise for democratic governments, industry players, and civil society around the world seeking to better understand technological trends, the information environment, and policy and product responses to shape both. This policy-focused work is housed primarily in two named initiatives found below.

Democracy + Tech Initiative

The Democracy + Tech Initiative creates policy practices that align global stakeholders toward tech and governance that reinforces, rather than undermines, open societies. This initiative builds on the DFRLab’s leadership in the OSINT field, empowering global communities to promote transparency and accountability, while driving a proactive vision for a more rights-aligned digital ecosystem. 

Cyber Statecraft Initiative

The Cyber Statecraft Initiative works at the nexus of geopolitics and cybersecurity to craft strategies to better inform and secure users of technology. This work extends through the competition of state and non-state actors, the security of the internet and computing systems, the safety of operational technology and physical systems, and the communities of cyberspace. The Initiative convenes a diverse network of passionate and knowledgeable contributors, bridging the gap among technical, policy, and user communities.