
Thu, Feb 7, 2019

#ElectionWatch: Macedonian Memes, American Midterms

Macedonian memes significantly decreased during 2018 U.S. midterm elections

Government Social Media

Thu, Feb 7, 2019

Made in China: Economic Influence Operations

Chinese state-controlled news outlets run overt Facebook and Twitter ads that target Americans on trade

Government Social Media

Thu, Feb 7, 2019

#PutinAtWar: Admiral Kuznetsov’s Untimely Departure

Open-source imagery confirmed the incident during which Russia’s only aircraft carrier was damaged


Thu, Feb 7, 2019

#DigitalSherlocks: See You In London

360/OS Open Source Summit in London on June 20–21, 2019

Mon, Feb 4, 2019

The Small World of French Foreign Fighters

Yellow Vest protests highlight the presence of French fighters abroad, particularly Ukraine

Government Security

Mon, Feb 4, 2019

#BreakingSyria: Missiles Fired From Iran Strike Targets in Syria

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps launched six missiles into Syria, allegedly targeting ISIS positions


Thu, Jan 17, 2019

Facebook’s Sputnik Takedown — Top Takeaways

Inauthentic pages linked to Sputnik promoted its content

Government Social Media

Thu, Jan 17, 2019

Facebook’s Sputnik Takedown — In Depth

Inauthentic pages linked to Sputnik promoted its content

Government Social Media

Wed, Jan 9, 2019

#DigitalSherlocks: Doxxing Statement

One of our colleagues was recently doxxed and harassed. Here’s our response:

Government Security

Fri, Dec 21, 2018

RT’s Broadcast Violations: Top Takeaways

Big ruling from UK regulator could bring RT big trouble

Government Security

Thu, Dec 20, 2018

#MinskMonitor: American Reportedly Found Dead in Occupied Donbas

After disappearing in 2015, Rostov news site reports that William Paul Reilly’s grave has been found


Tue, Nov 27, 2018

#MinskMonitor: Russia’s Great British Fake Off

Russian and “separatist” reports of “British Military Advisers” in the Donbas for a chemical attack
