
Wed, Sep 18, 2019

Objective truth and the Amazon are both aflame

Misinformation and disinformation comingled amid uproar around the Brazilian government’s inaction

by Luiza Bandeira

Government Social Media

Tue, Sep 17, 2019

Inauthentic Facebook pages amplified top Ukrainian news aggregators

Pages focused on local news, posted generic memes, and attacked Ukrainian politicians

by Roman Osadchuk, Nika Aleksejeva

Social Media

Tue, Sep 17, 2019

Facebook takes down Iraq-focused pages

Some of the pages pushed pro-Saddam Hussein content, were critical of the current Iraqi government and the United States

by Eto Buziashvili, Givi Gigitashvili

Social Media

Thu, Sep 12, 2019

Pro-Kremlin outlets issue a false prognosis for Georgia’s economy

Unsubstantiated claims of impending economic collapse emphasize narrative of dependence on Russia

by Aleksandre Khunjua

Georgia Government

Tue, Sep 10, 2019

Kremlin media capitalizes on Latvia-Lithuania misunderstanding

Pro-Kremlin media took advantage of confusion between the Baltic countries over sourcing electricity from Belarus, propagating a narrative of disunity

by Nika Aleksejeva

BalticBrief Government

Mon, Sep 9, 2019

Fake Trevor Noah quote spreads internationally as anti-migrant violence spikes in South Africa

Fabricated quote made its way from Sub-Saharan Africa to the United States as news outlets and social media influencers share it with no attempt at attribution

by Andy Carvin

Government Social Media

Mon, Sep 9, 2019

“We Need to Talk”: Ukrainian and Russian media talk past each other

Proposed “TV bridge” dialogue between Ukrainian and Russian TV studio audiences fell apart after one pulled out amid public outcry

by Roman Osadchuk


Thu, Sep 5, 2019

Inauthentic Sputnik-Linked Pages Target the Armenian Diaspora

Pages and groups tied to Sputnik Armenia employees funneled diaspora to the Kremlin outlet’s content

by Zarine Kharazian


Tue, Sep 3, 2019

Clashing Keywords in Coverage of the Moscow Protests

As the Moscow protests stretched into their sixth week, pro-Kremlin and independent media diverged sharply in the tone of their coverage

by Lukas Andriukaitis

Government Social Media

Tue, Sep 3, 2019

Pro-Kremlin Media Push False Claims Tying Huntsman to Moscow Protests

Outlets falsely alleged that U.S. Ambassador to Russia Jon Huntsman’s resignation was spurred failing to bring about the “Russian Maidan”

by Givi Gigitashvili

Government United States

Wed, Aug 28, 2019

Putin and Pro-Kremlin Outlets Distract from Moscow Protests

When confronted about pro-democracy demonstrations in Moscow, the Russian president highlighted domestic unrest in France


Fri, Aug 16, 2019

False MH17 Crash Narrative Spreads from the United States to Russia

Pro-Kremlin media distort interview with Malaysian official to make fabricated claims around the 2014 crash of flight MH17

Security United States