
Mon, Jun 1, 2020

Popular hashtag hidden from TikTok during anti-police protests in the United States

Video platform TikTok appeared to restrict

by Alyssa Kann

Government Social Media

Thu, May 28, 2020

Sockpuppet accounts on fringe websites spread pro-separatist narratives in Luhansk

Inauthentic accounts previously identified by the

Security Social Media

Wed, May 27, 2020

Empty hospitals, fake burials and chloroquine: systemic disinfo downplays COVID-19…

Disinfo aligns with President Bolsonaro’s public

Social Media

Mon, May 25, 2020

Indian government’s 2G restrictions in Kashmir fail to curb online extremism

Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, extremist groups

Social Media

Tue, May 19, 2020

Italian MP amplifies debunked COVID-19 conspiracy theories on the floor of Parliament

MP Sara Cunial referenced COVID-19 disinfo

Social Media

Mon, May 18, 2020

Pro-Bolsonaro website receives more Facebook engagement than traditional media on COVID-19 coverage

Jornal da Cidade Online posts attacks

Social Media

Wed, May 13, 2020

Pro-Maduro state media outlets outperform others online discussing failed Venezuela operation

Other news outlets found less success

Social Media

Fri, May 8, 2020

Maduro regime exploits return of Venezuelan migrants during pandemic

Pro-Maduro blogs and outlets claim Venezuelans

Social Media

Thu, May 7, 2020

5G COVID-19 conspiracies grip Georgia

Thousands of Georgians discuss the purported

Georgia Social Media

Wed, May 6, 2020

Anti-AMLO hashtags trend in Mexico in response to COVID-19

Hashtags targeting Mexico’s President Lopez Obrador

Social Media

Tue, May 5, 2020

Facebook removes propaganda outlets linked to Russian security services

The social network took down assets

Social Media

Tue, May 5, 2020

Inauthentic anti-Rohingya Facebook assets in Myanmar removed

Posts portrayed Rohingya as terrorists, denied

by Alyssa Kann

Social Media