The DFRLab presents the fourth annual 360/Open Summit June 22 through June 25. We brought together our team of experts across six continents with policy makers, journalists, civil society, and industry for four days of cutting-edge programming focused on human rights and democracy in a hyperconnected, online world.
The theme of this year’s 360/OS was “The World in Motion.” The COVID-19 pandemic brought much of our daily lives to an abrupt halt, making the world’s most urgent challenges converge and accelerate. We are in the midst of a digital transformation and global re-alignment. How we work together to build resilience on a foundation of common purpose and a shared set of facts is more important than ever.
This global community convened Tuesday, June 22 through Friday, June 25 for lightning talks, policy discussions, keynotes, and workshops on disinformation, connective technologies, democracy, and the future of digital rights.
You can stay up to date by following the DFRLab on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.
It is up to all of us to harness the world in motion, set the direction, and create a fairer, more equitable, and rights-respecting world.
View the daily agenda for 360/Open Summit: The World in Motion. We encourage attendees to pick and choose sessions, and come and go throughout the four days of programming.
Event recap blogs
Review the video playlist
Noteworthy quotes
How can I join the conference? What is Socio?
This year, the DFRLab will stream 360/Open Summit live on the Atlantic Council’s Event platform (powered by Socio) via both web link and mobile app.
Registering for Socio will enable to you connect with other 360/OS participants, participate in discussions, and collaborate with others.
You can register and download Socio on the Apple or Google Play store for mobile. We will open the online web browser event platform one week before the conference begins and notify you by email.
Do I need a code to register?
No, participants do not need a code to register through Socio. Only speakers need an access code to register.
Do I need to download the app to access the conference?
No, you do not need to download the app to access any of the features for the conference. You are welcome to engage with us via the mobile app if you are interested but you will still have access to all the panels and features through the web link.
We will open the online web browser event platform one week before the conference begins and notify you by email.
Will the panels be available to watch later?
Yes! Recordings of all panels will be available for viewing here or through our YouTube channel. If you are not able to join live for any panels that you are interested in, we encourage you to watch later at your own convenience.
What is the Digital Forensic Research Lab?
The Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab is an action-oriented center producing timely research, driving policy change, and building a global coalition dedicated to ensuring human rights, transparency, and accountability in our global information ecosystem.
Read more at our program page, sign up for our newsletter “The Source,” or check out our original, extensive reporting on Medium
Social media toolkit
Use this toolkit to download graphics and find pre-made click-to-send posts for social media!

Related content
- Interference 2020
- Weaponized: How rumors about COVID-19’s origins led to a narrative arms race
- Chinese discourse power – China’s use of information manipulation in regional and global competition
- Digital autocracy – Maduro’s control of the Venezuelan information environment
- #StopTheSteal: Timeline of social media and extremist activities leading to 1/6 insurrection
- The long fuse: Misinformation and the 2020 election
Follow @DFRLab on social media to stay tuned to all things #360OS!