The Atlantic Council’s Digital Forensic Research Lab (DFRLab) is comprised of a team of  data journalists, researchers, and analysts across five continents. Their mission – To identify, expose, and explain disinformation where and when it occurs; to promote objective truth as  a  foundation  of  government  for  and  by  people;  to  protect  democratic  institutions  and  norms  from those who would seek to undermine them in the digital engagement space.

The DFRLab was founded in 2016 to analyze disinformation surrounding the Russian invasion of Eastern Ukraine and prove Russian presence through open source methods. In the years since, the DFRLab’s research capacity has  grown  to  a  global  presence  looking  at hostile state information operations as  evidenced  by regular citations  in  top  tier  media,  government  testimonies  and  support, and tech company research partnerships.

Nika Aleksejeva

Lukas Andriukaitis

Eric Baker

Luiza Bandeira

Jochai Ben-Avie

Rebecca Brocato

Graham Brookie

Emerson Brooking

Eto Buziashvili

Andy Carvin

Devin Chavira

Erica Cochi

Givi Gigitashvili

Kelsey Henquinet

Jared Holt

Rose Jackson

Jakub Kalenský

Alyssa Kann

Simin Kargar

Ayushman Kaul

Zarine Kharazian

Tessa Knight

Jacqueline Malaret

Ben Nimmo

Sarah Oh

Roman Osadchuk

Cindy Otis

Anna Pellegatta

Esteban Ponce
de Leon

Max Rizzuto

Iain Robertson

Jean le Roux

Michael Sheldon

Daniel Suárez

Clara Tsao

Moira Whelan

Nicholas Yap