Is the Kremlin Amplifying Pro-Corbyn, Anti-UK Views?

Analyzing RT and Sputnik editorials on UKĀ politics

Is the Kremlin Amplifying Pro-Corbyn, Anti-UK Views?

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BANNER: Editorial headlines from RT and Sputnik since the UK election wasĀ called

As the United Kingdom heads for a snap general election on June 8, the Kremlinā€™s English-language broadcasters appear to be providing a partisan platform for commentators who support opposition leader Jeremy Corbyn and call for Scotland to leave the United Kingdom.

In the month after Prime Minister Theresa May called for the election on April 18, editorials published by RT and Sputnik offered Corbyn praise and advice, while criticizing May. Over the past twelve months, they repeatedly criticized the UK governmentā€™s relationship with Scotland and called for Scottish independence. These opinion pieces vastly outweighed any pieces arguing against Corbyn, or in favor of May or of Scotlandā€™s continued presence in the United Kingdom.

Source: Sputnik.Ā ArchivedĀ on May 19, 2017.

The UK election has seen plenty of partisan coverage from independent and commercial media. However, RT and Sputnik are public service, state-funded broadcasters, not independent or commercial media. As such, they should provide impartial and balanced coverage.

This does not mean that they cannot publish critical opinion pieces, but they should be even-handed in their criticism. Publishing editorials which systematically criticize one side, while praising the other, over a period of weeks or months, appears like blatant bias and could be viewed as interference in UK politics by the Russian stateā€™s organs.

State outlets

RT and Sputnik were created in 2005 and 2013, and are funded by the Russian state. Both claim to be independent, with RT complaining on September 20, 2016, that it had been called ā€œKremlin-backed,ā€ and protesting that it is ā€œan autonomous non-profit organization, funded from the budget of the Russian Federation.ā€

The claim of editorial independence is deceptive. According to Margarita Simonyan, chief editor of both outlets, in a comment published by state news wire RIA Novosti in June 2005, ā€œWe want to reflect Russiaā€™s opinion of the world and to make Russia clearer for understanding.ā€

According to the decree establishing Sputnikā€™s parent organization, the Rossiya Segodnya agency, its goal is ā€œreporting the state policy of the Russian Federation, and public life in the Russian Federation, abroad.ā€

Source: Kremlin. The presidential decree establishing the Rossiya Segodnya agency, of which Sputnik is part. Paragraph 4 a) reads, ā€œThe fundamental direction of activity of the federal state unitary concern ā€˜International information agency ā€˜Rossiya Segodnyaā€™ā€™ is reporting the state policy of the Russian Federation, and public life in the Russian Federation, abroad.ā€

ā€œReflecting Russiaā€™s opinionā€ and ā€œreporting the state policy of the Russian Federationā€ are not the tasks of independent news agencies, but of official communications channels.

Their reporting is consistent with that view. It consistently reflects the Kremlinā€™s strategic narrativesā€Šā€”ā€Šfor example, criticizing NATO and Ukraine, and attacking witnesses to possible Russian war crimes in Ukraine and Syria. RT has also been found guilty in the UK of violating journalistic impartiality standards in its coverage of Ukraine and Turkey at times when the Kremlin was at loggerheads with Kiev and Ankara.

Source: RT.

The evidence, therefore, indicates that neither RT nor Sputnik is an independent news outlet; rather, they are Russian government communication tools used to promote its policies.

Election coverageā€Šā€”ā€ŠCorbyn vs. May

To establish the two outletsā€™ approach to the UK election, the DFRLab analyzed their editorial references to May and Corbyn between April 18 and May 18. On Sputnikā€™s website, date-limited Google searches were conducted on the ā€œOpinionsā€ and ā€œColumnistsā€ sections; on RTā€™s site, on the ā€œOp-Edgeā€ section. In each case the search terms were ā€œJeremyā€ and ā€œTheresa,ā€ to avoid confusion with the many uses of the word ā€œMay.ā€

In the month since the election was called, Sputnik ran five editorials mentioning Corbyn. Two were penned by columnist Neil Clark, on April 19 and May 10; three were by editorialist John Wight, on April 21, May 12 and May 17.

Clarkā€™s first editorial portrayed the Labour Partyā€™s poor performance in opinion polls as ā€œcaused by the failure of Blairites and Brownites to accept leader Jeremy Corbynā€™s democratic mandate,ā€ said Corbyn ā€œmustā€ focus the election debate on issues other than Brexit, and added, ā€œwe need to reject Theresa Mayā€™s stated reason for calling the election.ā€ This is openly partisan.

Source: Sputnik.Ā ArchivedĀ on May 19, 2017.

The second was even more direct, urging Corbyn to raise his opponentsā€™ voting records on the Iraq War and other military interventions, and praising his judgment on foreign policy:

ā€œPut succinctly, ā€˜Jezzaā€™ has been in the right on foreign policy issues while his opponents, including the ā€˜strong and stableā€™ Tory leader Theresa May, have been spectacularly wrong.ā€

Wight was similarly partisan. His first reaction to Mayā€™s decision, on April 21, largely focused on Scottish independence, but characterized her call for an election as ā€œbearing all the hallmarks of a government in the throes of a continuing political crisis,ā€ and described her as ā€œwithout (ā€¦) any democratic mandate from the British electorate.ā€

On May 12, in an essay on Marxism, he accused the ā€œestablishment in Britainā€ of ā€œslandering and attackingā€ Corbyn, before stating that, ā€œTheresa May and the Tories have more in common with Marx than Corbyn does, considering the class war they have unleashed against working people under the rubric of austerityā€Šā€”ā€Šrolled out in response to the 2007ā€“08 economic crisis and which has more to do with ideology than economics.ā€

Source: Sputnik, May 17.Ā ArchivedĀ on May 19, 2017.

Five days later, he accused the media of an ā€œanti-Corbyn smear campaign,ā€ characterizing the Labour leaderā€™s manifesto in terms which echoed its own headline, ā€œFor the many not the fewā€:

ā€œCorbyn is determined to reverse this dismal trend, to place a priority on the needs and interests of the many and not the few. He is committed to taxing the rich while bolstering the incomes of the poor, not merely on the grounds of morality but also in the interests of a stagnant economy.ā€

In the same period, seven Sputnik opinion pieces mentioned Theresa May. Five of those editorials were the Wight and Clark pieces cited above, all hostile to May.

Of the other two, the first, published on April 25, focused on the UKā€™s industrial future and mentioned May neutrally. The secondā€Šā€”ā€Šagain by Wightā€Šā€”ā€Šfocused on the UKā€™s Brexit negotiations, but castigated May as ā€œled by an unholy alliance comprising the anti-Europe wing of her own party, the far-right anti-EU party of UKIP, and a feral right-wing media that will accept nothing less than a hard Brexit (ā€¦) The result is an astonishing exercise in political and economic denial over what Brexit will entail.ā€

Each piece came with a disclaimer: ā€œThe views expressed in this article are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official position of Sputnik.ā€ This is a valid comment for a single article; but Sputnik ran seven, all but one of them taking the same partisan line. Regardless of Sputnikā€™s official position, its behavior is one-sided.

RT was less outspoken on the election issue. Not one article in its ā€œOp-Edgeā€ opinion section since April 18 dealt with the election directly. Only three editorials mentioned Corbyn; two mentioned May.

Those editorials were written, again, by John Wight (on April 26) and Neil Clark (on April 22, April 25 and April 29), together with Irish commentator John Lee (on May 1).

Clarkā€™s piece on April 25 accused the ā€œeliteā€ of smearing Corbyn, whom he portrayed as a ā€œmild-mannered anti-war social democrat,ā€ and advised his followers not to lose heart:

Source: RT.Ā ArchivedĀ on May 19, 2017.

His piece on April 29 mocked Mayā€™s election slogan of ā€œstrong and stable government,ā€ characterizing her as ā€œBritish Prime Minister Theresa Mayā€Šā€”ā€Šwho says (at least ten times a day) that she supports a ā€˜strong and stable governmentā€™ in the UK.ā€ His piece on April 22 endorsed Corbynā€™s call for demilitarized borders in Eastern Europe.

Wightā€™s piece attacked the BBC for questioning Corbyn on his readiness to use nuclear weapons:

ā€œThe problem, ultimately, is not that Jeremy Corbyn is weak on defense, as the outrageous question asked of him by the BBCā€™s Andrew Marr inferred. The problem is that journalists such as Andrew Marr have signed up to the lie that strong leadership is coterminous with the willingness to launch nuclear weapons, unleash carnage and mayhem, and turn the world upside down.ā€

Leeā€™s article dealt largely with the war of words between the UK and EU over Brexit, accusing the EU of treating May with ā€œhaughty arrogance,ā€ but it also warned that ā€œthe Labour heartlands in the north, allied with anti-Brexit sentiment in London, might deal [May] a blow she is not expecting,ā€ and concluded, ā€œMay is getting a taste of EU steel. But she is weak, she only wants to get out.ā€

These articles are not as outspoken as the Sputnik editorials; but their tone (and authors) are consistent. Their portrayal of Corbyn is sympathetic; their portrayal of May, such as it is, is hostile.

Scottish independence

Since the election was called, two opinion piecesā€Šā€”ā€Šone each on RT and Sputnik ā€”have touched on Scottish independence. Both were by Wight, both came out on April 21, and both were outspokenly pro-independence.

Source: Sputnik, April 21, 2017.Ā ArchivedĀ on May 19, 2017.

His initial reaction to the election call was his Sputnik editorial on April 21, which called the vote a ā€œdesperate attempt to derail Scottish independenceā€ and blamed the situation entirely on May:

ā€œUnfortunately, the Scottish First Ministerā€™s attempts to arrive at any such compromise deal with Britainā€™s Prime Minister have all been unceremoniously rebuffed, sacrificed to the interests of the anti-Europe wing of Theresa Mayā€™s Tory Party and a feral EU-hating right-wing media in England.ā€

The same day, RT published a Wight editorial commenting on the suggestion that the UK should strip the wife of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad of her British citizenship:

ā€œAnother important aspect of this issue is the inference that British citizenship is some kind of privilege to be cherished. (ā€¦) There are millions of people in Scotland and Northern Ireland who would like nothing better than to be divested of this particular privilege, and with good reason. Indeed what is support for Scottish independence if not opposition to the semi-feudal institutions and, with them, the mentality of the British state and its ruling elite?ā€

Taken alone, these articles are not enough to establish a broader editorial stance. However, a wider examination reveals that they are part of a pattern.

A Google search for the terms ā€œScotlandā€ and ā€œindependenceā€ on RTā€™s Op-Edge page for the year from May 19, 2016 to May 18, 2017 returned nine editorials. Of those, five mentioned Scotland only in passing; the sixth was the Wight piece on Assadā€™s wife.

The seventh, by Russia-based Irish writer Bryan MacDonald, was published on June 24, the day after the Brexit vote, and opened, ā€œIt looks increasingly possible that Brexit will lead to the demise of the United Kingdom. That may be for the best.ā€

Source: RT, June 24, 2016.Ā ArchivedĀ on May 19, 2017.

The last two were both, again, by Wight. After the Brexit vote, in June 2016, he headlined that ā€œAs Britain exits EU, time for Scotland to exit UK,ā€ pointing out that ā€œthe one ray of hope from all this [Brexit] is the very real prospect of an independent Scotland, perhaps followed or joined by a united Ireland, and the break up of the UK.ā€

Source: RT,Ā 25 JuneĀ 2016 andĀ 19 MarchĀ 2017.Ā ArchivedĀ onĀ May 19, 2017.

He continued, ā€œSpeaking personally, as someone who opposed Scottish independence in 2014, I am now unofficially one of its biggest supporters and advocates on the back of this referendum result.ā€

On March 19, he wrote that ā€œScotland needs to depart the sinking ship of Brexit,ā€ arguing that ā€œScotland is a country where the dominant political current ensures that the hand of friendship is extended to migrants and refugees, unlike south of the border in England where a xenophobic, nativist, anti-migrant hysteria has taken root to the point where it is now driving the UK governmentā€™s path towards a so-called hard Brexit.ā€

A search on Sputnikā€™s ā€œOpinionā€ page also returned nine results, six of which referred to Scotland only in passing. The other three were all editorials by Wight, and referred to Scots as being ā€œforced out [of the EU] against their will and democratic choice,ā€ (on September 7), and ā€œripped out of the single market against the will of its peopleā€ (October 26, and a similar phrase on January 25).

A column by Clark on March 8 reviewed (and largely repeated) a call by anti-globalization writer Kenneth Bell for Scotland to leave, not just the UK, but the EU: ā€œWith its oil and its fish, Scotland could become another Norway. But if the wrong choices are made, it could become the new Greece. Bell doesnā€™t go into this in his bookā€Šā€”ā€Šbut perhaps it could be the theme of his next collection.ā€

Not one editorial found by these searches over a twelve-month period argued in favor of Scotlandā€™s continued membership of the UK.

Partisan, not impartial

An opinion writerā€™s job is to be opinionated; the articles discussed above are consistent with that remit. Similarly, it is the job of the independent media to stimulate debate, including by publishing provocative opinions. The British domestic media are certainly not lacking in partisan voices of their own.

However, neither RT nor Sputnik is an independent media outlet. They are public broadcasters funded by the state budget of the Russian Federation. As such, their role should be to provide impartial coverage of the UK election and UK constitutional debates.

In fact, their editorials in the month since May called the election were systematically one-sided and partisan, supporting Corbyn against his opponents both in the Labour party and outside it and arguing in favor of Scottish independence.

The immediate purpose of this biased editorial stance is unclear. Much of the Scottish coverage pre-dates the call for an election; other editorials by Wight and Clark penned before the election period also took a broadly anti-Western line. As such, it may simply be a continuation of a long-standing policy to amplify criticism of Western politics, and divides within the UK.

Further, on May 19, Sputnik ran two more editorials. One, by Clark, continued the earlier tone, arguing that the Labour manifesto ā€œoffers hope of a better future for millions of ordinary Britonsā€ while ā€œthe Tories have lurched still further to the hard right and their elite-friendly agenda could not be clearer.ā€ The other, however, criticized Corbynā€™s economic policies, saying they ā€œput the UK economy at risk.ā€

It therefore remains to be seen whether the Kremlin outletsā€™ coverage will continue to push for Corbyn and Scottish independence, or take a more balanced stance.