
Wed, Mar 14, 2018

Ofcom And RT: The Background

Reviewing the Kremlin’s TV station and Britain’s TV regulator

Government Social Media

Tue, Mar 13, 2018

UK Poisoning: Russia Recycles Responses

The Kremlin’s narrative on the Novichok poisoning sounds familiar

Government Security

Sat, Mar 10, 2018

#PutinAtWar: Tributes to Russian Mercenaries from Ukraine to Syria

Tracking Russian mercenary statues erected in Syria and Ukraine

by Lukas Andriukaitis


Sat, Mar 10, 2018

#ElectionWatch: Sex, Polarization, and Voter Turnout in Russia

Unclear origins of viral videos calling on Russians to participate in presidential elections that are a foregone conclusion


Fri, Mar 9, 2018

#MinskMonitor: A Visit to Environmental Flash Points of the Donbas

On-the-ground report of the ignored breaking points in easternUkraine


Thu, Mar 8, 2018

The Russians Who Exposed Russia’s Trolls

A tribute to the Russian journalists who exposed the “troll factory”

Government Security

Thu, Mar 8, 2018

#PutinAtWar: UN-Founded Claims About Russian Convoys

New photo of Russian UN-branded trucks easily explained


Tue, Mar 6, 2018

#BalticBrief: Chechen Officials Respond to Baltic Magnitsky Acts

Russian media responds to “Magnitsky list” of Lithuania and Latvia

BalticBrief Government

Tue, Mar 6, 2018

#BalticBrief: Disinformation Through Mistranslation

How a fake translation intended to cause a rift between Lithuania and Ukraine

BalticBrief Government

Tue, Mar 6, 2018

#ElectionWatch: Echo Campaigns and Electoral Results in Italy

How foreign influencers amplified the Italian political debate on websites and social media


Sun, Mar 4, 2018

#PutinAtWar: Putin’s Words, Missile Aim for Florida

Putin’s annual speech, and apparently a new missile, aimed at the United States


Thu, Mar 1, 2018

#ElectionWatch: A Guide To Italian Elections

Here’s what you need to know ahead of nationwide elections on March 4:
