Political Party

People attend a vigil at St Peter's church in Nottingham, UK after three people were killed in the city center, June 13, 2023. (Source: Reuters)

Fri, Aug 4, 2023

UK murders spur xenophobic narratives and conspiracy theories

The murders, allegedly committed by an immigrant of West African descent, led to broader campaign of dehumanization of migrants and calls for closed borders

by Meghan Conroy, Tessa Knight

Civil Society Human Rights

Wed, Jun 21, 2023

Mexico’s president weaponizes narratives against media to combat criticism

AMLO’s morning press conferences foster a polarized environment encouraging mistrust in media and electoral institutions

by Estefanny Perez Duque, Esteban Ponce de León

Disinformation Elections

Mon, Mar 27, 2017

Eleven time zones of protests

An open source snapshot of the anti-corruption demonstrations across the world’s largest country

by Ben Nimmo, Nika Aleksejeva

Civil Society Political Party

Mon, Mar 20, 2017

Green-Faced in Solidarity

Russians paint their faces in online flashmob in support of opposition politician Alexey Navalny

Corruption Instagram