
Mon, Mar 18, 2024

How to consume information in times of conflict

Unverified information can exacerbate conflicts. Recognizing and scrutinizing it should become reflexive for all of us

by Dina Sadek, Andy Carvin

Conflict Disinformation
Democracy Derailed report cover art

Tue, Aug 8, 2023

Sudan’s precarious information environment and the fight for democracy

An examination of the time from December 2018, when protests against then-president Omar al-Bashir first broke out, and December 2022, when a framework agreement between civilian and military leaders came into play.

by Tessa Knight, Lujain Alsedeg

Disinformation in democracies: Strengthening digital resilience in Latin America

Thu, Mar 28, 2019

Disinformation in democracies: Strengthening digital resilience in Latin America

2018 saw political tides turn in three of Latin America’s largest democracies.

by Luiza Bandeira, Donara Barojan, Roberta Braga, Jose Luis Peñarredonda, Maria Fernanda Pérez Argüello