Wed, Feb 14, 2024
TikTok: Hate the Game, Not the Player
How Strategic and Regulatory Confusion Around TikTok Prevent an Effective National Security Response
Thu, Dec 21, 2023
DFRLab research highlights from 2023
From the war in Ukraine to the ongoing crisis in the Middle East, the DFRLab's international team of researchers investigated information operations and online harms around the world
Tue, Dec 5, 2023
Indian Twitter accounts exploit Mideast conflict to attack journalist
Accounts potentially coordinated to portray journalist Barkha Dutt as a security threat to Israel and urged action against her
Wed, Oct 18, 2023
Network of South Asian Twitter accounts spreading Israel-Palestine war disinfo
Accounts exhibiting signs of coordination amplify divisive copypasta targeting both sides of the conflict
by Digital Forensic Research Lab
Thu, Sep 14, 2023
Panda exchange program targeted by misinformation, driving anti-US narratives in China
Chinese media capitalized on emotionally resonant rumors about alleged panda abuse in the United States amid deteriorating US-China relations
Wed, Sep 6, 2023
Pro-Russian BRICS narratives in Latin America prospered during summit lead-up
In the six months ahead of the BRICS summit, narratives about a new multipolar world and the fall of US hegemony trended in Spanish-speaking Latin America information space
Wed, Aug 2, 2023
Chinese discourse power: Capabilities and impact
An examination of China's online and offline channels for the dissemination of "discourse power" and the mechanisms of oversight on which such communications rely.
Mon, Jul 10, 2023
Chinese social media messaging downplays significance of Wagner mutiny
Beijing promoted the view that Yevgeny Prigozhin’s mutiny was a one-off event and emphasized Russia’s “return to normal,” lending further legitimacy to its support for Russia and their deepening partnership
Thu, May 25, 2023
Russian War Report: Belgorod incursion brings deluge of online mockery of Russia’s defenses
After an anti-Putin Russian volunteer military unit attacked Belgorod, trolls and bloggers online viciously ridiculed Russian defenses.
by Digital Forensic Research Lab
Mon, May 22, 2023
The complexity of Europe’s digital sovereignty agenda explained
Analyzing European digital sovereignty through a unified lens risks overlooking the nuanced approach of member states
Mon, May 15, 2023
What is driving the adoption of Chinese surveillance technology in Africa?
When examining the proliferation of Chinese surveillance systems and cyber capabilities in Africa, research disproportionately focuses on the motivations and ambitions of the supplier. This perspective, while it highlights Chinese diplomatic ambitions and corporate opportunities, ignores local features that drive the adoption of Chinese surveillance tools.
by Bulelani Jili
Fri, Apr 21, 2023
State-controlled media experience sudden Twitter gains after unannounced platform policy change
Twitter accounts run by Russia’s RT, China’s CGTN and Iran’s PressTV suddenly began to gain followers; Twitter acknowledged a change in policy regarding state media accounts three weeks later
by Alyssa Kann