Open Web
Thu, Jul 2, 2020
New York City’s open-source “cop watch”
How a group of civilian volunteers monitor police activity using open-source methods.
by Max Rizzuto
Tue, Jul 18, 2017
History Revisited: The Forest Brothers
Video spurs social media fight between Russia and the Baltics
Wed, Jul 12, 2017
RT and Sputnik: Clean Bill of Health?
Fact checking the Russian Foreign Ministry’s claims
by Ben Nimmo
Wed, Jun 28, 2017
Misleading by Mistranslation
How a cluster of Russian sites ran a fake story based on a false translation
Fri, Jun 2, 2017
Russian Media Spin Putin-Macron Meeting
Selective quoting of Western media to create the image of success
Wed, May 24, 2017
The Seth Rich Story in the Kremlin Media
How Russia’s state organs cover the conspiracy theory
Sun, May 21, 2017
Is the Kremlin Amplifying Pro-Corbyn, Anti-UK Views?
Analyzing RT and Sputnik editorials on UK politics
by Ben Nimmo
Tue, May 9, 2017
Russia’s Fake “Electronic Bomb”
How a fake based on a parody spread to the Western mainstream
Thu, Apr 20, 2017
The French election through Kremlin eyes
How the Russian state’s French-language wire portrays the French election
Fri, Apr 14, 2017
The Kremlin’s Audience in France
Breaking down the amplifiers of Sputnik and RT in French
Fri, Apr 7, 2017
How the alt-right brought #SyriaHoax to America
Tracing the “false flag” claim back to a pro-Assad website
Sat, Apr 1, 2017
Russian Narratives on NATO’s Deployment
How Russian-language media in Poland and the Baltic States portray NATO’s reinforcements