Security & Defense

Wed, Jul 10, 2024

Anti-Ukraine narratives spread following Kyiv children’s hospital attack

Narratives blamed Ukraine for the incident, accusing it of targeting itself or deploying air defense systems ineptly

by Ruslan Trad

Disinformation Ukraine

Tue, Jul 9, 2024

AI tools usage for disinformation in the war in Ukraine

How and what technology Russia used to spread disinformation after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine

by Roman Osadchuk

Artificial Intelligence Propaganda
Generative art showing paper airplanes flying over Red Square in Moscow.

Mon, Jun 10, 2024

Another battlefield: Telegram as a digital front in Russia’s war against Ukraine

In this new report, the DFRLab investigates the role of Telegram in Russia since the February 2022 invasion of Ukraine

Conflict Disinformation

Mon, Jun 3, 2024

Tailored Russian disinformation targets Polish farmer protests

Kremlin-backed actors attempt to sow division between Poland and Ukraine

by Givi Gigitashvili

Conflict CrowdTangle

Mon, Apr 29, 2024

Analyzing Egyptian and Qatari media coverage of Menendez bribery allegations

Selective coverage from Egyptian and Qatari media avoids mention of links to Menendez bribery allegations.

by Dina Sadek

Corruption Egypt

Mon, Apr 22, 2024

Markets Matter: A Glance into the Spyware Industry

The Intellexa Consortium is a complex web of holding companies and vendors for spyware and related services. The Consortium represents a compelling example of spyware vendors in the context of the market in which they operate—one which helps facilitate the commercial sale of software driving both human rights and national security risk.

by Jen Roberts, Trey Herr, Emma Taylor, Nitansha Bansal

Civil Society Cybersecurity

Wed, Apr 3, 2024

Kremlin-linked Telegram channels seed anti-Ukraine and anti-West narratives in Bulgaria

Pro-Kremlin Bulgarian Telegram channels amplify disinformation seeded by Kremlin-run channels

by Eto Buziashvili, Sayyara Mammadova

Bulgaria Conflict

Tue, Mar 26, 2024

Suspicious Facebook assets amplify pro-Kremlin Bulgarian ‘mushroom’ websites

More than one hundred Facebook assets promoted links to external websites sharing pro-Kremlin propaganda in Bulgaria

by Sopo Gelava

Bulgaria CrowdTangle

Mon, Mar 18, 2024

How to consume information in times of conflict

Unverified information can exacerbate conflicts. Recognizing and scrutinizing it should become reflexive for all of us

by Dina Sadek, Andy Carvin

Conflict Disinformation

Mon, Mar 11, 2024

Advancing the narrative: analyzing the maturation of Palestinian militant videos

Gaza militants increasingly use collaborative releases, advanced editing, and narrative-driven storytelling when sharing battlefield footage

by Dr. Michael Loadenthal

Conflict Israel

Wed, Feb 21, 2024

Arms sale claim heightened tensions ahead of 2023 Armenia-Azerbaijan peace talks

Online narratives claimed Iran or Russia might exploit French weapons that were allegedly bound for Armenia

by Ani Mejlumyan, Valentin Châtelet

Armenia Azerbaijan
UNRWA headquarters in Gaza City, September 19, 2018. (Source: REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa)

Wed, Feb 14, 2024

Suspicious accounts on X amplify allegations against UNRWA

More than 130 X accounts exhibiting hallmarks of inauthentic coordination targeted US politicians with messaging critical of the UN agency in Gaza

by Dina Sadek, Digital Forensic Research Lab

Conflict Gaza