Fri, May 17, 2019
Walking on Hot Coals: How Disinformation Is Fueling the Fight in Libya
As Libyan infighting in the suburbs of Tripoli entered its second month, a parallel battle raged on socialmedia
by Mohamed Kassab
Mon, May 13, 2019
Pantsir-ious Problem: Russian Missile System in Road Accident
Online videos tell a story of a crashed Pantsir in Vladivostok
by Lukas Andriukaitis
Fri, May 10, 2019
Protests in Ingushetia Met with Police Batons
Renewed Ingushetian protests were met by a police force allegedly from Russia
Fri, May 3, 2019
Fatal Floods in Syria’s Atmah Refugee Camp
Images and videos uploaded by the refugees reveal the stark conditions caused by the floods in Atmah
Wed, May 1, 2019
IN DEPTH: Indian Plane Shot Down Over Pakistan in February
What we know about the MiG-21 shootdown in Pakistan on February 27, 2019
by Kanishk Karan, Michael J. Sheldon
Wed, May 1, 2019
Civilian Militias in Venezuela Coordinate on Twitter
Accounts affiliated with the Maduro regime posted repeated messages in narrow timeframes in attempt to manipulate Twitter traffic
Tue, Apr 30, 2019
Christchurch-Style Terrorism Reaches American Shores
Digital preparations were made two hours before the April 27 shooting began
Sat, Apr 27, 2019
Missile Strikes Hit Near Masyaf and Homs
Investigating allegedly Israeli missile strikes in Syria on April 12, 2019
Thu, Apr 18, 2019
Pro-Kremlin Outlets Fail in Anti-West Sentiment Push around Anaklia Port
Georgia’s Anaklia deep-sea port project remerges as the epicenter of the latest wave of pro-Kremlin disinformation in the country
Wed, Apr 10, 2019
#DigitalResilience: Russians Demonstrate Against Digital Isolation Law
Assessing the crowd size for Russia’s internet freedom protest in Moscow
Mon, Apr 8, 2019
#PutinAtWar: The Most Famous Wagner Soldier
Open-source information paints a colorful portrait of one of the highest-profile Russian mercenaries
Thu, Apr 4, 2019
Coalition and Iraqi Strikes on ISIS Remnants
Iraqi Ministry of Defense released a video confirming ongoing efforts to destroy Islamic State hideouts in Iraq