East Asia

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Chinese President Xi Jinping attend a signing ceremony at the Kremlin in Moscow, Russia March 21, 2023. (Source: Sputnik/Vladimir Astapkovich/Kremlin via Reuters)

Wed, Jun 12, 2024

In Sub-Saharan Africa, China embraces Russian messaging against Ukraine

Russian narratives thrive in Sub-Saharan Africa with the help of Chinese media networks, localization expertise, and infrastructure

by Digital Forensic Research Lab

Africa Cameroon
Taiwan, New Taipei City, 2024/01/13. Poll officers show a box containing ballots after polls close at a polling station at an elementary school. (Source: Valeria Mongelli/Hans Lucas via Reuters)

Mon, May 6, 2024

Targeting Taiwan: China’s influence efforts on the island

Chinese state media experimented on how to better reach Taiwanese audiences online around the January 2024 election

by Digital Forensic Research Lab

Advertising China
Smartphone with the app from TikTok on the flags of the USA and China. (Source: Reuters)

Wed, Feb 14, 2024

TikTok: Hate the Game, Not the Player

How Strategic and Regulatory Confusion Around TikTok Prevent an Effective National Security Response

by Rose Jackson, Seth Stodder, Kenton Thibaut

Americas China
Screencaps of a viral Douyin video of animated panda flight attendants welcoming Ya Ya’s arrival with the song, “Ya Ya Come Home.”

Thu, Sep 14, 2023

Panda exchange program targeted by misinformation, driving anti-US narratives in China

Chinese media capitalized on emotionally resonant rumors about alleged panda abuse in the United States amid deteriorating US-China relations

by Digital Forensic Research Lab

Asia China
European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen speaks during the presentation of the European Commission's data/digital strategy in Brussels, Belgium February 19, 2020. (Source: REUTERS/Yves Herman)

Mon, May 22, 2023

The complexity of Europe’s digital sovereignty agenda explained

Analyzing European digital sovereignty through a unified lens risks overlooking the nuanced approach of member states

by Konstantinos Komaitis

China China

Mon, May 15, 2023

What is driving the adoption of Chinese surveillance technology in Africa?

When examining the proliferation of Chinese surveillance systems and cyber capabilities in Africa, research disproportionately focuses on the motivations and ambitions of the supplier. This perspective, while it highlights Chinese diplomatic ambitions and corporate opportunities, ignores local features that drive the adoption of Chinese surveillance tools.

by Bulelani Jili

Thu, Mar 30, 2023

Anti-Taiwan influence operation shows shift in tactics

Inauthentic assets amplified content to more than 1,300 Facebook groups, with the apparent goal of dividing Taiwanese society and undermining its democracy

by Feng-Kai Lin

China CrowdTangle

Mon, Mar 27, 2023

How pro-Russia and pro-China influencers cross-promote state narratives

Influencers critical of the West have formed a mutually beneficial community on Twitter, amplifying Russian and Chinese state narratives on a range of issues

by Kenton Thibaut

China COVID-19
Still from the movie “The Battle at Lake Changjin,” which depicts Chinese soldiers fighting UN forces during the Korean War. (Source: Xinhua)

Thu, Jan 12, 2023

How China funds foreign influence campaigns

CCP financial statements reveal details of influence operations, from news programming to documentaries to feature films

by Digital Forensic Research Lab

Advertising China
Bilibili video in support of Vladimir Putin overlaid by users with the war cry, “Ura!”

Tue, Mar 1, 2022

Top comments on Chinese social media criticize the West while supporting Putin

Most popular comments on Weibo and Bilibili express support for Russia invading Ukraine.

by Digital Forensic Research Lab

China Electorate

Fri, Feb 11, 2022

Russian War Report: Belarus threatens to arm firefighters as military exercises kick off

The Council's Digital Forensic Research Lab tracks the latest Russian troop movements and Kremlin-pushed narratives around NATO, Germany, and more.

by Digital Forensic Research Lab

Wed, Dec 22, 2021

China’s COVID-19 messaging makes its way to South Africa

China leverages its investment in the South African media space to push Beijing-approved narratives and conspiracies.

by Kenton Thibaut

Africa China