Wed, Sep 6, 2023
Pro-Russian BRICS narratives in Latin America prospered during summit lead-up
In the six months ahead of the BRICS summit, narratives about a new multipolar world and the fall of US hegemony trended in Spanish-speaking Latin America information space
Fri, Mar 24, 2023
Russia-friendly media outlets in Global South frame French anti-government protest as anti-NATO
Russian state media coverage of protest in Paris picked up by outlets across the Global South
Wed, Jan 26, 2022
Pro-China messaging amplified in Venezuela’s “hashtag of the day”
Hashtag trended on Venezuelan Twitter alongside messages praising China for donating its vaccine and attacking US for sanctions.
Fri, Jan 21, 2022
Russian War Report: Troops arrive in Belarus as propaganda narratives heat up
The Digital Forensic Research Lab’s global team presents the first installment of the Russian Hybrid Threats Report.
by Digital Forensic Research Lab
Wed, Apr 7, 2021
Digital Autocracy: Maduro’s control of the Venezuelan information environment
A 16-month monitoring report that analyzes the information environment in Venezuela, exploring the Maduro regime’s tactics when promoting influence operations in the country and abroad.