• Associate Director

Stewart Scott

Stewart Scott is an associate director with the Cyber Statecraft Initiative, part of the the Atlantic Council Tech Programs. He works on the Initiative’s systems security portfolio, which focuses on software supply chain risk management and open source software security policy. 

Stewart earned his B.A. from Princeton University at the School of Public and International Affairs along with a minor in Computer Science. His course of study centered on misinformation, computer science, social media policy, online extremism, journalism, and American political and economic history. He joined the Atlantic Council after interning with its Cyber Statecraft Initiative.

February 2024

Future-Proofing the Cyber Safety Review Board

by Maia Hamin, Alphaeus Hanson, Trey Herr, Stewart Scott

The Cyber Safety Review Board seeks to examine and learn from complex failures in cyberspace. As Congress considers how to design its next iteration, there are ways to make it more effective and adaptable for the increasing challenges to come.
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January 2024

The Great Despiser: The BSA, Memory Safety, and How to Make a Good Argument Badly

by Stewart Scott

Memory-safe programming languages are in the cyber policy mainstream, but some hesitation remains. Looking at the arguments around memory safety is informative for larger cyber policy debates too.
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January 2024

The 5×5—Forewarned is forearmed: Cybersecurity policy in 2024

by Nitansha Bansal, Trey Herr

Members of the Cyber Statecraft Initiative team discuss the regulatory requirements and emerging technology they are closely following in 2024, and forewarn of the year ahead.
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