
Wed, Jul 24, 2024

OT Cyber Policy: The Titanic or the Iceberg

Current policy does not address the issue of cyber-physical security with a systemic approach, instead focusing with tunnel vision on specific events. This analysis uses the iceberg model for systems thinking to address policy gaps in the OT ecosystem, detailing recommendations for the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA).

by Danielle Jablanski

Critical Infrastructure Policy Operational Technology

Mon, Jul 1, 2024

The Impact of Corruption on Cybersecurity: Rethinking National Strategies Across the Global South  

As the Global South prepares for the next stage in ICT development, governments must prioritize policies that reduce corruption in critical network software procurement to protect those countries' developing cyberspace.

by Robert Peacock

Corruption Cyber Strategy

Wed, Jun 12, 2024

“Reasonable” Cybersecurity in Forty-Seven Cases: The Federal Trade Commission’s Enforcement Actions Against Unfair and Deceptive Cyber Practices

The FTC has brought 47 cases against companies for unfair or deceptive cybersecurity practices. What can we learn from them?

by Isabella Wright, Maia Hamin

Cybersecurity Cybersecurity Standards and Requirements

Thu, Apr 18, 2024

O$$ Security: Does More Money for Open Source Software Mean Better Security? A Proof of Concept

A proof-of-concept study looking for correlation between open source software project funding and security practices at scale.

by Sara Ann Brackett, John Speed Meyers, Stewart Scott

Cybersecurity Open Source Software

Thu, Feb 8, 2024

Future-Proofing the Cyber Safety Review Board

The Cyber Safety Review Board seeks to examine and learn from complex failures in cyberspace. As Congress considers how to design its next iteration, there are ways to make it more effective and adaptable for the increasing challenges to come.

by Maia Hamin, Alphaeus Hanson, Trey Herr, Stewart Scott

Cybersecurity Incidents, Vulnerabilities, and Information Sharing

Thu, Oct 12, 2023

Driving Software Recalls: Manufacturing Supply Chain Best Practices for Open Source Consumption

Product recalls require practices that can help software vendors move toward better component selection and tracking and better relationships with customers, all while making software vendors responsible for OSS security instead of maintainers.

by Jeff Wayman, Brian Fox

Cybersecurity Open Source Software

Wed, Jun 14, 2023

Who’s Afraid of the SEC?

The SEC wants to require fast, public disclosure of cybersecurity incidents. These rules could benefit investors—and the cyber ecosystem.

by Maia Hamin

Cybersecurity Incidents, Vulnerabilities, and Information Sharing

Mon, May 15, 2023

What is driving the adoption of Chinese surveillance technology in Africa?

When examining the proliferation of Chinese surveillance systems and cyber capabilities in Africa, research disproportionately focuses on the motivations and ambitions of the supplier. This perspective, while it highlights Chinese diplomatic ambitions and corporate opportunities, ignores local features that drive the adoption of Chinese surveillance tools.

by Bulelani Jili

Tue, Dec 6, 2022

An introduction to the Freedom Online Coalition

The Freedom Online Coalition (FOC) is comprised of thirty-four member countries committed to advancing Internet freedom and human rights online.

by Rose Jackson, Leah (Léa) Fiddler, Jacqueline Malaret

Tue, Jan 4, 2022

Experts react to the year since January 6

Domestic extremism experts weigh in on the year since the January 6 attack and their perspectives on continuing threats to US democracy.

by Digital Forensic Research Lab