
Tue, Sep 1, 2020

How pro-Kremlin Telegram channels influence Ukrainian parliamentary decisions

MPs from the largest parliamentary faction

Social Media Telegram

Mon, Aug 31, 2020

Measuring Sputnik’s audience in the South Caucasus countries

Content from local, independent outlets has

Azerbaijan Georgia

Wed, Aug 26, 2020

Armed militias mobilize on social media hours before deadly Kenosha shooting

Users on Facebook and reddit encouraged

Reddit Social Media

Thu, Aug 20, 2020

Activists use Telegram to coordinate Belarus protests

How protesters openly coordinate peaceful rallies

Social Media Telegram

Wed, Aug 19, 2020

South African Twitter accounts gamed trending algorithms to promote prank political hashtags

Mischievous hashtags turned sour when one

Social Media

Tue, Aug 18, 2020

Belarus election: open-source election reports raise questions about official results

One local official recorded allegedly discussing

Social Media Telegram

Tue, Aug 18, 2020

Georgian far-right Facebook pages and their stance toward Russia

Far-right groups are not homogenous in

Georgia Social Media

Mon, Aug 17, 2020

EMF protection vendors incorporate 5G fears into social media marketing strategy

E-commerce vendors selling products that claim

Social Media

Thu, Aug 13, 2020

COVID-19 news in Russian, as seen through YouTube search results

State-affiliated pro-Kremlin channels dominate the “most

Social Media YouTube

Tue, Aug 11, 2020

Belarus throttles Internet, cracks down on protesters as Lukashenko proclaims election victory

Election monitors question election’s legitimacy as

Social Media

Fri, Aug 7, 2020

A glimpse into RT’s Latin American audience

Kremlin-funded RT has grown its audience

Social Media

Thu, Aug 6, 2020

Aleksander Lukashenko’s absent election campaign in Belarus

Despite increasing support for opposition candidates,

Social Media