Security Partnerships

Tue, Apr 4, 2017

How is the Easter Ceasefire Holding Up in Ukraine?

Monitoring the progress of the new April 1 ceasefire in the Donbas

Conflict Geolocation

Sun, Mar 12, 2017

Explained: Ukraine’s Case Against Russia at The Hague

Analyzing the evidence presented by Ukraine accusing Russia of supporting “terrorism”

Conflict Defense Technologies

Sun, Mar 5, 2017

OSCE Drone Downed Near Donetsk Filtration Station

Fighting near water treatment plant disrupts water service to civilians

Conflict Drones

Sun, Feb 5, 2017

Separatist Firing Locations near Water Treatment Plant

Satellite analysis of recent fighting near Avdiivka

Conflict Geolocation

Mon, Jan 16, 2017

A Digital Forensics Survey of the Last Week in the Donbas

Examination of a video of firing artillery, a disruption to water supplies, and reports of civilian casualties

Conflict OSCE

Tue, Dec 20, 2016

Ukraine’s Bloodiest Battle of the Winter

An open source survey of the information — and disinformation — surrounding the battle in the Svitlodarsk Bulge

Conflict Disinformation

Mon, Dec 19, 2016

Glacial Queues at Ukrainian Checkpoints

Thousands of Ukrainian civilians wait for hours in freezing temperatures at checkpoints

Conflict OSCE

Fri, Dec 9, 2016

Как освещают обстрелы на Донбассе с разных сторон

Сравнение последствий ночных обстрелов в Луганской области и их освещения в СМИ Украины и России/сепаратистов

Conflict OSCE

Tue, Dec 6, 2016

Hot Winter Weeks Near Donetsk

An open source survey and verification of the last two weeks of Minsk violations

Conflict OSCE

Mon, Nov 21, 2016

Иностранцы, воюющие за Украину

Истории троих добровольцев из украинских батальонов

Conflict OSCE

Mon, Nov 21, 2016

One Night of Shelling, Two Stories to Tell

Comparing the aftermath and opposing media coverage of overnight shelling in the Luhansk Oblas

Conflict Disinformation

Tue, Nov 15, 2016

Ослепить всевидящее око

Атаки участников конфликта на беспилотники ОБСЕ на Донбассе

Conflict Drones