
Fri, Jul 24, 2020

What the Natanz explosion signaled to Iran’s disinformation apparatus

By using fictitious front groups to


Thu, Jul 23, 2020

Front-line positions near Horlivka pose threat to water security in Eastern Ukraine

Fighting near the Siverskyi Donets-Donbas water

Geolocation Security

Wed, Jul 15, 2020

The Resistance Front: New terrorist group in Jammu and Kashmir amplifies attacks on social media

Militants continue to distribute propaganda online

Security Social Media
Edgars Rinkēvičs

Thu, Jul 9, 2020

#DFRLabCoffeeBreak with Latvian Foreign Minister Edgars Rinkēvičs

A #DFRLabCoffeeBreak with Latvian Foreign Minister and ally of the Atlantic Council, Edgars Rinkevics.

Baltics Disinformation

Thu, Jul 2, 2020

New York City’s open-source “cop watch”

How a group of civilian volunteers monitor police activity using open-source methods.

by Max Rizzuto

Human Rights Internet

Wed, Jun 24, 2020

Cyber-enabled disinformation campaign targeted U.S.-Poland alliance

Polish authorities point finger at Russia


Wed, Jun 17, 2020

How activists used social media to organize during the George Floyd protests

Social media users rapidly shifted to sharing logistical and strategic information over multiple social media platforms

by Jacqueline Malaret

CrowdTangle CrowdTangle

Thu, May 28, 2020

Sockpuppet accounts on fringe websites spread pro-separatist narratives in Luhansk

Inauthentic accounts previously identified by the

Security Social Media

Thu, Apr 23, 2020

Russia’s 2019 cyber attack against Georgia followed by full-spectrum propaganda effort

Kremlin unleashed multi-channel counter-messaging campaign after

Georgia Security

Thu, Apr 16, 2020

Embassy Donetsk: the Donbas dacha

How South Ossetian fronts for Russian

Security Social Media

Fri, Apr 3, 2020

Suspicious accounts spread COVID-19 disinfo in Armenian Facebook groups

Amid tensions with Azerbaijan, Facebook accounts

Azerbaijan Security

Sat, Mar 28, 2020

Pro-Kremlin media spins story of U.S. military transporting COVID-19 test swabs from Italy

Story claimed a U.S. logistics operation transporting coronavirus test swabs amounted to taking away tests from Italians
