• Associate director

Maia Hamin

Maia Hamin is currently serving an assignment under the Intergovernmental Personnel Act at the US AI Safety Institute within the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). She is on leave from the Cyber Statecraft Initiative, where she held the position of Associate Director with the Cyber Statecraft Initiative, part of the Atlantic Council Tech Programs.

Hamin works on the intersection of cybersecurity and technology policy, including projects on the cybersecurity implications of artificial intelligence, open-source software, cloud computing, and regulatory systems like software liability.

Prior to joining the Council, Hamin was a TechCongress Congressional Innovation Fellow serving in the office of Senator Ron Wyden, where she worked on legislation and oversight projects on topics in cybersecurity, privacy, artificial intelligence and internet governance. Previously, she was a software engineer on Palantir’s Privacy and Civil Liberties team, building full-stack software products to implement privacy and data security protections for private and public sector clients.  

Hamin holds a B.A. in Computer Science from Princeton University, where she did undergraduate research in cognitive science and machine learning and ran a humor magazine of ill repute.  

February 2024

Future-Proofing the Cyber Safety Review Board

by Maia Hamin, Alphaeus Hanson, Trey Herr, Stewart Scott

The Cyber Safety Review Board seeks to examine and learn from complex failures in cyberspace. As Congress considers how to design its next iteration, there are ways to make it more effective and adaptable for the increasing challenges to come.
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January 2024

The 5×5—Forewarned is forearmed: Cybersecurity policy in 2024

by Nitansha Bansal, Trey Herr

Members of the Cyber Statecraft Initiative team discuss the regulatory requirements and emerging technology they are closely following in 2024, and forewarn of the year ahead.
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January 2024

Design Questions in the Software Liability Debate

by Maia Hamin, Sara Ann Brackett, and Trey Herr, with Andy Kotz

Software liability—resurgent in the policy debate since its mention in the 2023 US National Cybersecurity Strategy—describes varied potential structures to create legal accountability for vendors of insecure software. This report identifies key design questions for such regimes and tracks their discussion through the decades-long history of the debate.
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