Social Media

Facebook logo displayed on a phone screen and Russian flag displayed on a screen in the background.

Wed, Mar 2, 2022

Russian War Report: Social platforms crack down on Kremlin media as Kremlin demands compliance

Google, Meta, and Twitter are taking action against Russian state-owned media accounts to limit the spread of harmful information online.

by Digital Forensic Research Lab

Bilibili video in support of Vladimir Putin overlaid by users with the war cry, “Ura!”

Tue, Mar 1, 2022

Top comments on Chinese social media criticize the West while supporting Putin

Most popular comments on Weibo and Bilibili express support for Russia invading Ukraine.

by Digital Forensic Research Lab

China Electorate

Tue, Mar 1, 2022

Mapped: Russia’s shelling of civilians in Kharkiv

The DFRLab analyzed and geolocated available imagery of the attack, identifying three main neighborhoods affected by shelling.

by Michael J. Sheldon

Mon, Feb 28, 2022

Russian War Report: Russia retaliates against anti-war celebrities as social platforms crack down on Russian media

Meta, Patreon, and Twitter are taking action against Russian accounts, while Russian celebrities are facing pushback for their views, according to the Council's open-source researchers.

by Digital Forensic Research Lab

Vladimir Putin justifies his invasion of Ukraine.

Sun, Feb 27, 2022

Kremlin media used claims of Ukraine creating a dirty bomb to justify invasion

The narrative was amplified by various Russian outlets and circulated on multiple social media platforms prior to Putin invading Ukraine.

by Eto Buziashvili

Conflict Disinformation
A screencap shows the spread of meme against the alliance of Poland, the United Kingdom and Ukraine in Facebook groups

Sat, Feb 26, 2022

Polish social media accounts revive anti-Ukrainian sentiments

Poland expects to host around one million Ukrainian refugees amid Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

by Givi Gigitashvili

Central Europe Conflict
A crude deepfake depicts opposition activist Pavel Latushka as a drunk individual climbing in and out of a car trunk, before calling on citizens to make a “sober decision” to support Lukashenka’s referendum. “FAKE” stamp added by the DFRLab.

Thu, Feb 24, 2022

Lukashenka regime undermines Belarusian opposition prior to referendum

Government critics lack a unified strategy as constitutional referendum gets underway.

by Nika Aleksejeva

Belarus Eastern Europe

Thu, Feb 24, 2022

Russian War Report: Belarus joins conflict against Ukraine

The Council's open-source researchers break down the Kremlin's latest moves online and on the battlefield in its war in Ukraine.

by Digital Forensic Research Lab

Tue, Feb 22, 2022

Russian War Report: Despite debunking of false flags, Putin recognizes breakaway republics

The Council's open-source researchers break down how the Kremlin is seeking to justify incursions in Ukraine, and where the troops are moving.

by Digital Forensic Research Lab

People gather in support of a coup that ousted President Roch Kabore in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, January 25, 2022.

Thu, Feb 17, 2022

Local support for Russia increased on Facebook before Burkina Faso military coup

Pro-Russian support increased in the Sahel, with residents of Burkina Faso holding Russian flags while celebrating recent coup.

by Tessa Knight and Allan Cheboi

Africa Conflict
Malians holds a Russian flag and a photograph with an image of coup leader Colonel Assimi Goita during a pro-Malian Armed Forces (FAMA) demonstration in Bamako, Mali, May 28, 2021.

Thu, Feb 17, 2022

Pro-Russian Facebook assets in Mali coordinated support for Wagner Group, anti-democracy protests

Coordinated network promoted military junta in months leading up to France’s decision to withdraw from the country.

by Jean le Roux

Africa CrowdTangle
Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif and Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi bump elbows during the signing ceremony of a 25-year cooperation agreement in Tehran, March 27, 2021.

Mon, Feb 14, 2022

A moment of truth for China’s vaccine diplomacy in Iran

Iranian officials echoed Chinese messaging while touting vaccines and criticizing the United States.

by Simin Kargar

China Coronavirus