
Fri, Jan 17, 2020

Russian media pushed U.S. drone conspiracy related to plane crash in Iran

The unfounded theory blamed a U.S. drone strike for downing the Ukrainian Airlines Flight 752 near Tehran

Security United States

Mon, Jan 13, 2020

Denial, denial, confession: Iran could not avoid the truth about flight PS752

For 72 hours, Iranian government and media stuck with the same talking points about the crash until the evidence overwhelmed them


Sat, Jan 4, 2020

Tensions escalate on social media platforms after Soleimani’s death

Content targeting the United States government surfaced on Instagram and Twitter following the death of Qasem Soleimani

Security Social Media

Wed, Dec 4, 2019

Russians in northern Syria after partial U.S. withdrawal

Images confirm U.S. troop withdrawal from northern Syria, Russian movement into the region, and U.S. presence at oil fields


Fri, Nov 15, 2019

Blast highlights “MGB” detentions in separatist-held Donetsk

Act of sabotage by unknown assailant targeted Russian-backed separatist communication infrastructure


Mon, Nov 4, 2019

In the deep end: Russian military personnel in Caracas

Photos show suspected Russian military advisers at a military hotel in Caracas


Mon, Oct 28, 2019

Erdogan’s possible plans to forego more U.S. F-16s for Russian Su-35s

Turkey may choose the Russian’s F-35 competitor instead of continuing to purchase F-16’s, since the United States cancelled its F-35 program participation

Security United States

Fri, Oct 18, 2019

Fortress Crimea: Under the Russian radar dome

Russia continues to improve military radar coverage of Crimea and the Black Sea


Wed, Oct 16, 2019

Bot-like Turkish accounts wage anti-Kurdish hashtag campaign

As Turkey prepared to take large swaths of northeast Syria, pro-Turkish Twitter accounts waged a parallel information campaign

by Alyssa Kann

Security Social Media

Wed, Oct 16, 2019

Bot-like Turkish accounts wage anti-Kurdish hashtag campaign

As Turkey prepared to take large swaths of northeast Syria, pro-Turkish Twitter accounts waged a parallel information campaign

by Alyssa Kann

Security Social Media

Thu, Oct 3, 2019

Disengagement holds in Stanytsia Luhanska

Stanytsia Luhanska disengagement area sees ratification, dismantlement of positions, and reconstruction.


Tue, Aug 27, 2019

Violating UN Embargo, Turkish Weapons Appeared in Libya

New photos raise more concerns for the growing proxy war in the country
